Project Consisted of demolishing an existing clarifier and lime silo tower, construction of a new clarifier and chemical feed building along with associated piping.
Reidsville Carbon Feed
Reidsville, NC
City of Reidsville
Consists of the installation of a Powdered Activated Carbon Feed System, Heated Storage Building and all other related appurtenances.
Old Sycamore WWTP Rehab
Concord, NC
Union County
This project consists of utilizing a temporary Frac tank, piping, & pumps to divert flow over multiple phases. The package plant will receive new coatings in the Aeration Basins 1 & 2, Surge Tank & Sludge Holding Tank along with other miscellaneous components. Replacement of approximately 900sf of steel grating & handrail with new aluminum. In conjunction with all of this work the plant will receive a complete electrical system overhaul with new power supply duct banks, standby generator, ATS & electrical canopy to serve as the power distribution center. All work is to be performed while maintaining plant operations without disruption.
Jones County WTP
Pollocksville, NC
Jones County
Project included construction of a new water treatment facility; consisting of new deep wells, 6500’ DIP and PVC yard piping, chlorination feed systems and small bore pvc piping, cast in place raw water reservoir and two waste water holding tanks, 6300 sf operations building/laboratory, pressure filters, water softeners, interior DIP, electrical, HVAC and plumbing.
Goldsboro Plate Settlers
Goldsboro, NC
City of Goldsboro
AH Environmental
Project consists of installing a stainless-steel inclined plate settler (complete with structural beam supports, plate settler pack(s), effluent launder, and collection trough) in each of the existing seven sedimentation basins to enhance treatment performance and increase capacity from 12.0 to 14.0 mgs.
Sandy River
Chester, SC
Chester County
Project includes the construction of a new 7 MGD vortex grit chamber including grit pumps and grit classifier, along with associated piping, electrical and site work. Project consists of replacing the mechanisms for two 50-ft diameter clarifiers including all associated electrical work.
Mason Farms Clarifier
Chapel Hill, NC
Project includes the demolition of two existing 85’ clarifier mechanisms & internal components. Furnishings & installation of two new stainless steel 85’ clarifier mechanisms & internal components. Project is restricted to specific sequencing in which only one clarifier shall be out of service at any given time.
Hendersonville Filter Upgrade
Hendersonville, NC
City of Hendersonville
McKim and Creed
Project consisted of replacement of the tertiary filter system with a Cloth-Media Filtration System, structural modifications and repairs to the filter basin, installation of all piping, valves, weir gates, and appurtenances, along with Electrical and SCADA upgrades.
University Lake PS
Chapel Hill, NC
McKim and Creed
This project involves the replacement of existing horizontal pumps with new high-capacity pumps operating on new VFD’s at the University Lake Pump Station. Additional work will also be upgrading the existing 4160V switchgear with 480V switchgear, complete replacement of pipe gallery, modifications to the existing influent & discharge line, Electrical & SCADA improvements to include provisions for the future potassium permanganate feed system, complete roof replacement, & several other modifications to assist with OWASA’s continuous efforts to meet the community’s evolving needs for sustainable, reliable, and high quality water, wastewater (sewer), and reclaimed water services.
Manning WWTP Expansion
Manning, SC
Project consisted of a conversion of the existing aeration basins to aerobic digesters, new digested sludge pumps, new sludge screw presses, new dewatered sludge pumps, 3 new solar sludge drying beds, related site piping, grading, drives and all related appurtenances.
Project includes the demolition of two existing 85’ clarifier mechanisms & internal components. Furnishings & installation of two new stainless steel 85’ clarifier mechanisms & internal components. Project is restricted to specific sequencing in which only one clarifier shall be out of service at any given time.
Goldsboro Water Treatment Enhancement Plate Settler Project
Goldsboro, NC
City of Goldsboro
AH Environmental Consultants
Project consists of installing a stainless steel inclined plate settler (complete with structural beam supports, plate settler pack(s), effluent launder, and collection trough) in each of the existing seven sedimentation basins to enhance treatment performance and increase capacity from 12.0 to 14.0 MGD.
Sandy River Wastewater Treatment Plant Grit Collection System Upgrade
Chester, SC
Chester County Wastewater Recovery
The project includes the construction of a new 7 MGD vortex grit chamber including grit pumps and grit classifier, along with associated piping, electrical, and site work. Project consists of replacing the mechanisms for two 50-ft diameter clarifiers including all associated electrical work.
Boonville WWTP Improvements
Boonville, NC
Town of Boonville
Withers Ravenel
Project included Surface Restoration of (3) prefabricated steel WWTP, (6) new blowers,
(1) new headworks structure with mechanical bar screen and associated electrical work.
Yanceyville WWTP Project
Yanceyville, NC
City of Yanceyville
Alley, Williams Carmen & King
Project consisted of (1) 60’ diameter poured in place aerobic digester, (1) 60’ diameter poured in place sludge holding tank, sludge loading station, DIP sludge transfer lines, (2) submersible pumps, (1) vortex valve, (2) floating decanters and (2) floating aerators, concrete repairs, site work and associated electrical work.
Hendersonville Filter Replacement
Hendersonville, NC
City of Hendersonville
McKim & Creed
Project consisted of replacement of the tertiary filter system with a Cloth-Media Filtration System, structural modifications and repairs to the filter basin, installation of all piping, valves, weir gates, and appurtenances, along with Electrical and SCADA upgrades.
University Lake Raw Water Pump Station Improvements
Chapel Hill, NC
Orange Water and Sewer Authority
McKim & Creed
This project involves the replacement of 3 existing horizontal pumps with 2 new high capacity 450 HP pumps operating on new VFD’s at the University Lake Pump Station. Additional work will also be upgrading the existing 4160V switchgear with 480V switchgear, complete replacement of pipe gallery, modifications to the existing influent & discharge line, Electrical & SCADA improvements to include provisions for the future potassium permanganate feed system, complete roof replacement, & several other modifications to assist with OWASA’s continuous efforts to meet the community’s evolving needs for sustainable, reliable, and high-quality water, wastewater (sewer), and reclaimed water services.
Longview Pump Station Upgrade
Wilson, NC
City of Wilson
Green Engineering, P.L.L.C.
Project consisted of replacement of two existing extended shaft dry-pit pumps and motors and two closed-coupled dry-pit pumps and motors: including valves, piping, electrical equipment, etc. with four 175 HP, VFDs, dry-pit submersible pumps, pump valves and piping, permanent bypass pumping discharge connection, electrical switchgear, motor control center and SCADA. The Project required a complete bypass of the 9.4 MGD pump station. By-Pass system included temporary control panels, VFDs, Diesel and Electric By-pass Pumps.
Mason Farm WWTP Intermediate Pump Station Rehabilitation
Chapel Hill, NC
Orange Water and Sewer Authority
Apogee Consulting Group
Project consisted primarily of rehab work to be performed on 2 pump stations at OWASA’s Mason Farms WWTP location. The IPS-1 rehabilitation involved upgrade of the building’s HVAC and electrical systems. Intermediate Pumping Station 2 (IPS-2) scope consisted of a new electrical room to house new electrical and SCADA equipment, including new service and distribution equipment, VFD’s, SCADA systems, and a portable generator connection. Each of the pump stations received a new roof, doors & window.
Rogerson Drive Pump Station Rehabilitation Phase II
Chapel Hill, NC
Orange Water and Sewer Authority
McKim & Creed
Project consisted of bypassing the pump station in entirety. Demolition and replacement of the following equipment: odor control units and associated ductwork, motor control room ventilation fans, louvers, heaters, MCC/Switchgear, PLC, & all interior lighting. Relocate 2 existing VFD’s. 18.5 MGD bypass system included a separate power service, installation of three (3) temporary variable frequency drives to operate the four (4) existing pumps, with no more than three (3) of the existing pumps operational simultaneously. Installation of a temporary PLC w/ communication to the Plant. The system was installed with an ATS so that the existing onsite generator could support the system in the event of power failure.
Clemson University WWTP SRB Platform
Clemson, SC
Clemson University
Black & Veatch Corporation
Project consisted of fabricating and installing a stainless-steel access platform approx. 66’x7’ over an active equalization tank and replacing (2) slide gates in an existing clarifier splitter box.
Branchville WWTP Modifications
Branchville, SC
Town of Branchville
Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung Inc.
Upgrades made to the WWTP including new sludge baffle curtains, new chlorination and de-chlorination feed systems, control Gates, emergency generator, replacement of effluent pumps, internals and controls.
Westside Sewer Improvements
Shelby, NC
City of Shelby
McGill Associates
Improvements to the Westside sewer system PS including the addition of a 4th 200 hp dry pit pump, new seal water system, DIP header modifications, by-pass pumping, and relocating a surge valve and associated yard piping.
Cheraw WWTP Improvements
Cheraw, SC
Town of Cheraw
Davis & Floyd
Project consisted of a 1.8 MGD redundant bypass system with chopper pumps to allow for replacing 10” Clay Pipe and 15” Clay Pipe with a 93 lf of new 18” DIP, new inline grinder with fiberglass manhole. Complete replacement of the existing lime conveyor. Installation of new main electrical switchgear and 750 KW standby power generator.
Oak Hollow PS VFD Replacement
High Point, NC
City of High Point
Sturgill Engineering, P.A.
Project consisted of modifications and additions to convert an existing storage room to a VFD room, to include installation and commissioning of air handling unit, condensing unit, medium voltage variable frequency drive system for 700 HP motor, upgrade and replacement of existing pump station RTU and integration of proposed VFD, RTU and existing SCADA system.
Skyland & Lithium PS Improvements
Bessemer City, NC
City of Bessemer City
McGill Associates
The project also generally consists of the removal of existing horizontal split case pumps at both pump stations and the installation of new skids comprised of three pumps, associated fittings, a pump control panel, performance testing, and start-up services.
Phase III Manning Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
Manning, SC
City of Manning
Hybrid Engineering
Constructed conversion of existing aeration basins to aerobic digesters, new digested sludge pumps,new sludge screw presses, new dewatered sludge pumps, new solar sludge drying beds, related sitepiping, grading, drives and all related appurtenances.
Rogerson Drive Pump Station Rehabilitation Phase I
Chapel Hill, NC
Orange Water and Sewer Authority
McKim & Creed
Project consists of the removal of (2) existing manual bar screens and replacement with channel-mounted electric grinders, power cables, controls, and lift-out system. Retrofitting existing openings above grinders and installation of access hatches and fall protection above grinders. Concrete rehabilitation and coating of channel interiors. Installation of (4) floor-mounted variable frequency drives, power cables, and controls. Removal and replacement of (4) motor controllers, associated power and control wiring, and raceways. Installation of new raceways for power cables, control wiring, and interior lighting. Coordinate instrumentation and control changes with equipment and electrical upgrades. All repairs, bypassing, and equipment installation to be performed while maintaining full operation of the PS. Rogerson Drive Pump Station is the second largest pump station in the wastewater collection system and is critical to overall wastewater flow management.
WWTP Rehabilitation of Air Distribution System
Greenville, NC
Greenville Utilities Commission
Hazen and Sawyer
Project consisted of the demolition of existing air piping, 800LF of new 30 inch air distribution piping with control valves & bellows supported both overhead & underground. Approximately 120 LF of 16-inch temporary air bypass piping. This project was critical to resolving GUC’s identified issues with compressed air delivery to the South Aeration Basins. An energy efficiency study quantified energy losses in the air piping of over $172k /year.
Maxton WTF-Sludge Thickener
Lumberton, NC
County of Robeson
Koonce, Noble & Associates
Project included a new bridge supported sludge thickener structure and mechanism with supplementary controls, a complete sludge pumping station including two (2) submersible pumps, wet well, valve pit and station piping.
New Hanover County Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant
Wilmington, NC
New Hanover County Environmental Management
SCS Engineers
New Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant is a new Reverse Osmosis plant to replace their outdated system used to treat landfill leachate. Project included Influent and Effluent Pump Stations, Influent forcemain, Ultrafiltration units and (2) Reverse Osmosis Process units, Chemical Feed, PEMB, MCC, SCADA Laboratory and associated sitework.
Improvements to the Lyall Street WTP
Bennetsville, SC
City of Bennettsville
URS Corporation
Project Consisted of (2) New 100 HP high service vertical turbine pumps with associated controls, new concrete platform and aluminum stairs, new flow meter vault hatch and miscellaneous improvements inside the high service pump station building.
Catawba River WTP R&R Raw Water Part 2
Lancaster, SC
Lancaster Water and Sewer District
MBD Consulting
Project includes redundancy services for an existing WTP. Including two H.S. pump stations, Five 350 HP vertical turbine pumps in underground pump cans, MCC’s, VFD’s in two new buildings, 175 tons of 24” – 42” DIP U.G. yard piping w/precast meter vaults, valves and numerous tie ins. 30 tons of interior DIP piping – size 8” – 30”. 2300 L.F. of 12” PVC decant pipe to the Catawba River to include discharge piping and diffusers out into the river. 860 L.F. of 6” directional bore. Existing Lagoon – New submersible pumps, submersible mixers, floating decanters and divider wall. Project also included include electrical, site work, paving. PArt 2 of the contract consisted of 2,273 LF of 48″ DIP raw water force main including valves, tie-ins, and meter vault.
Repair WWTP Shaw AFB & Wateree Recreation AFB
Shaw AFB, SC
Shaw AFB
Claro Company, Inc.
Replacement of (2) 150 HP submesible pumps at Intermediate PS, (3) new clarifier bridges, clarifer coating and repairs, new filter backwash pumps,comminutor, blowers and SCADA work.
Catawba River WTP Redundancy and Reliability Improvements
Lancaster, SC
Lancaster Water and Sewer District
MBD Consulting Engineers, P.A.
New construction of a high service finished water Pump Station. This included (5) 400 HP Vertical Turbine Pumps with VFDs and associated switchgear. Project also included new electrical building to house (3) 600 HP VFDs with a 3000A switchgear with space for expansions for a separate HSPS. New Electrical Building was to service an existing pump station and replace the VFDs and Switchgear. Swap over involved well-coordinated shut downs in very specific sequence while keeping the existing PS on line. We also installed 175 tons of 24” – 42” DIP Yard Pipe w/precast meter vaults, valves and numerous tie ins and shut downs. 30 tons of interior DIP piping – size 8” – 30”. 2300 L.F. of 12” PVC decant pipe to the Catawba River to include discharge piping and diffusers out into the river. 860 L.F. of 6” directional bore. Modifications to the existing backwash lagoon with new submersible pumps, submersible mixers, floating decanters and divider wall. Also to include electrical, site work, paving, and 2,273 LF 48” DIP for raw water force main to include valves, tie-ins, and meter vault.
Water Treatment Plant Alum Sludge Treatment System
Mt Gilead, NC
Montgomery County
LKC Engineering
Project consisted of construction of a new sludge equalization basin with sludge pump station, new belt press building with belt press and conveyors, site piping.
Lumber Bridge WTP Expansion
Lumberton, NC
Robeson County
Koonce, Noble & Associates
Project consisted or a 3rd treatment train. Plant was poured in place concrete to house flocculation chambers, settling plates, gravity filters and clear well. Project also include the addition of air compressors, blowers, effluent pumps, SCADA and a new drying beds.
Sandy Creek Pump Station Improvements
Henderson, NC
City of Henderson
McGill Associates
Project consist of removal and replacement of two existing 300 HP vertical centrifugal pumps with extended motors, new mechanical bar screen and screenings; washer/compactor in existing bar screen structure. New electrical building to house new MCC and VFD’s demolition and By-pass pumping to enable us to make the necessary tie ins and pump change outs. Site work, fencing and concrete paving.
Immediate Water Treatment Plant Improvements
Havelock, NC
City of Havelock
Rivers & Associates
The project consisted replacing the both of the filter control panels and the plants main control panel with out service interuption. Proejct also included adding or eplacing over 3 dozen motor operated valves, new flow meters, cheical feed and assocaited electircal work. Project reqired extinsive planning and coordination for over 10 timed shut down and tie ins.
Town of Spring Hope WWTP Upgrade
Spring Hope, NC
Town of Spring Hope
Stocks Engineering
The project consisted of moving an existing out of service Packaged Steel WWTP in Harnett Co. to the existing Town of Spring Hope’s WWTP facility 100 miles away. Major on site piping rerouting and abandonment of structures onsite. The project also included the addition of an Emergency Backup Generator to the existing site and new facilities. Additional work was initiated to replace the existing influent pumps and to update various motors and parts on existing equipment onsite for a fully functioning facility. Funding was provided by USDA, Rural Development, and the Town.
Anson County NRWPS Electrical Repairs
Anson County, NC
Anson County
Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates
Construction of new stand alone Electrical building outside of existing Raw Water PS. New building house all new Switchgear, VFDs, controls sitework and retaining walls.
Replacement of Clarifiers and SCADA System @ WWTP
Warrenton, NC
Warren County
Removal of two 55’ Diameter Clarifiers and Installation of two new Suction Pipe type Clarifiers by Amwell. Installation also included all now FRP weirs and baffles. While the Clarifiers were removed concrete repairs were performed that consisted of a coating of with a repair mortar and an epoxy finish coat. A large portion of the project involved a complete renovation of the existing SCADA system which included 7 new RTUs, PLC Programming, New CPU station, Instrumentation and integrating existing instruments to the new system.
Wildcat Creek PS Odor Control
Rock Hill, SC
City of Rock Hill
Wiedman & Singleton
Installation of new lime silo with feed system, new water line, horizontal boring. Site work included Micropiles, grading and paving.
The Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District WTP Filter Air Scour System
Roanoke Rapids, NC
Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District
Arcadis G&M of NC
Project consisted of a filter air scour system for the WTP and misc. concrete repairs. Concrete repairs on the 2 million gallon finished water storage clear well, including: Removal of loose and disintegrated concrete, Preparation of the surface, Placement, finishing, and curing of repair concrete or mortar, and Application of concrete waterproofing and clear coating system.
WWTP Effluent Pump Replacement and Upgrades Project
Lancaster, SC
City of Lancaster
WK Dickson & Company
Replacement of (4) 200 HP Influent Pumps and VFDs, New Pump Control Panel. Installation of Membrane diffusers at digesters, New SS Air piping and replacement of (16) 6″ Combo AR/PR Vacuum Valves on Effluent line.
WWTP Process Control and Chemical Feed Improvements
Kenly, NC
Town of Kenly
Obrien & Gere
Install new Brush Rotors, New chemical feed storage and pumps, new submersible mixers and influent pumps.
Contract No. 1-General Construction Water System Improvements
Hertford, NC
Town of Hertford
Green Engineering
Project consisted of construction of new water treatment plant with pressure filter, softener, detention tank, aeration, masonry, operations building to house equipment, lab, chemical feed, yard piping, EQ basin, remote well sites (2), HVAC, paving, and grassing.
City of Asheville Back Up Power Installations
Asheville, NC
City of Asheville Back Up Power Installations
Project consisted of installation of 32 backup generators at individual pump stations throughout the Asheville water system. Of the 32 sites, 25 were fixed sites involving clearing, grading, demolition, site improvements including fencing, retaining walls and site piping along with major electrical and SCADA upgrades. 7 sites were prepped for a portable Gen Set. Largest site at Mills River WTP included the installation of a 2250kw Gen Set indoors with a remote radiator and 10k gallon AST Diesel Fuel System. A new switchgear system was installed that now allows the plant to run on generator power and can put reverse power on the grid. Project was value engineered prior to start and sites were released as easements and acquisitions were obtained.
WTP Renovation Contract A-General and Mechanical
Hendersonville, NC
City of Hendersonville
Staged WTP renovations/additions, demolitions, new sed. Basin, filter rehab (8), new filters (4), existing filter building rehab & refurbishment, existing operations building rehab, new rooms & finishes, new chemical building, new plant chemical feed system new filter building, new flocculators, rapid mixers, R.W. intake, yard piping, yard & plant tie-ins, site work, paving, fencing, etc.
Contract No. 1-General Construction WWTP System Improvements
Hertford, NC
Town of Hertford
Green Engineering
Project was the construction of aeration basin, headwork’s structure, influent, effluent, and RAS Pump Station including clarifiers, disk filters and contact chambers, sludge holding tank, aerobic digester, chemical feed and demolition of existing structures and process piping.
Brighton Forest WWTP
Fuquay Varina, NC
Withers and Ravenal
Project consisted of a new precast WWTP at a green field site. Project included, yard piping influent/effluent pump stations, chemical feed, aeration basins, digesters, non potable water system, clarifiers, disc filters and UV system.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
Magnolia, NC
Town of Magnolia
Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates
Green site WWTP with Influent/Effluent Pump Stations, Splitter Box, Digesters, Clarifiers, Sludge Holding Tanks, Drum Filters, UV Structure, Blowers, SCADA, Laboratory/Electrical Building.
Crowder’s Creek Pump Station & Equalization Basin
Clover, SC
York County Purchasing Department
Williams Engineering, Inc.
Project was the construction of 30’ deep Pump Station, Concrete Holding Lagoon, aeration, 7500 lf 16” DIP , 3500 lf and 6” PVC, Retrofit Existing Pump Stations, and site-work.